
10 maaliskuuta 2020

Corona Lady

The coronavirus has been rolling on my mind. This pandemic is dramatic and freightening.
I deeply regret what Italy is going through, had to cancel my trip to Rome in April.
But nobody is safe.
Corona Lady looks innocent, but multiplies like a devil. I wish that world leaders know
how to manage this wisely and that you and your families stay healthy.

This was my original.

Makrotex asks for Yellow - here my yellowish choices: dirty yellow on a Helsinki facade
and strange colored clouds the other day.

#all seasons #der natur donnerstag #digitalart dienstag #foto-tunes #gartenglück 
#image-in-ing #makrotex  #mosaic monday #my corner of the world #t in die neue woche 
#the weekend roundup #tuesday’s treasures #uudet värikollaasit #willy-nilly #watw 

27 kommenttia:

  1. Liebe Riitta,
    bei deiner Bearbeitung muß man am frühen Morgen schon lachen. Das ist schön und das gefällt mir. Die Wolken sind bei uns zur Zeit auch recht kräftig unterwegs.
    Hab einen schönen Tag.
    Liebe Grüße Eva

    1. Good morning Eva,

      Yes in the middle of this crisis, we must try to preserve our humor and trust in the future!

  2. Da hast du absolut recht.
    LG Eva

  3. Hi Riitta,
    yes, we all are going through this crisis, but you are right, we might not loose our humor and trust in future!
    Great fotos, I love the yellow Clouds!
    Wishing you a good day and a lovely week!
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  4. ...with the virus I'm not excited about my upcoming flight home.

  5. Liebe Ritta,
    stimmt, man muss den ganzen Hype um das Coronavirus mit Humor tragen
    und dem nötigen Respekt !
    Hoffen wir für uns und die Welt das Beste !
    Deine Bearbeitung ist wieder sehr kreativ, dafür ♥lichen Dank.
    Deine Wolkenfotos sind auch sehr beeindruckend, sie sehen nach Unwetter aus, richtig gefährlich.
    Liebe Grüße

  6. That is a fascinating enchanting digital image!!!
    Greetings Elke

  7. Love the yellow clouds.
    The virus is really will take time to get rid of it.
    Stay safe!

  8. Fabulous photos - the old building is beautiful and the clouds are quite magical. We are seeing cases of the virus here - all we can do is be careful with hygiene, keep a sense of humour and keep our fingers crossed! Stay healthy,

  9. Nuo pilvet ovat huikean värisiä!

    Harmi, että joudut perumaan reissusi, mutta Rooma on ikuinen ja meillä on vain yksi terveytemme.

  10. Schön gemacht, aber insgesamt sehr erschreckend...
    LG susa

  11. your Lady is a beautiful one. And deadly in some ways. Especially to already sick and elderly people. I think the reaction to the virus is as deadly ad the virus itself. :(

  12. You stay healthy too. 💐

  13. Hienoja keltaisia. Me parantelemme omassa eristyksessä flunssaa, joka iski paluumatkalla Uudesta Seelannista. Jos ei hellitä TK:sta tullaan kotiin ottamaan näytteet. Muuta ei voi kuin odottaa ja katsoa. Meilläkin oli Italia mielessä, kun piti yllättää pyöreitä vuosia täyttävä tytär.

  14. Dear Riitta,
    what a wonderful digital work! It give us the little bit of humor wich we need in this situation!
    Have a nice and stressless Tuesday,
    greetings moni

  15. You've created a beautiful but very dangerous mythological Medusa. I am also forced to cancel my flight to Corsica on May 25. It is better to be careful.
    Hugs and greetings.

  16. Da strahlt mir das Gelb in allen Tönen entgegen, herrlich bearbeitet!
    Liebe Grüsse, Klärchen

  17. Espero que todo bien. Besos.

  18. This virus is going to affect us all in one way or another. May we all stay safe.

  19. I like your effect with the Corona Lady - yes, we must all be watchful and not panic during this pandemic. It affects so many people in various ways.

  20. It is everywhere Riitta. Take care, be safe.

  21. Yellow can be tricky, but love this kind of yellow! Sorry you had to cancel your trip! Whatever happens, we are in God's hand. If it's not yet your time (to go to heaven), you will live! He has more power than a virus.

  22. Niin, corona uhkaa nyt meitä kaikkia. Pitää muistaa olla varovainen.


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