
20 toukokuuta 2019

Messy Constance

Clematis Constance is pretty pink and very strong, but oh so messy! It grows up till 7 meters along the ladders of our house. I cut it down very often but there she is again - reaching the sky.... I got this seedling of Constance from a clematis enthusiast. Clematis on the Web says it is semi-double, but mine is not. I don’t know with which clematis it has been cross-pollinated.

Ei tätä sotkua mikään selvitä! - It is impossible to clear up this tangle!

17 kommenttia:

  1. Hi Riitta,
    your Clematis is wonderful! My Clematis ( Ville de Lyon) was like yours too! I have cut her down up to about 10 cm over the ground, she came out wonderfiul this spring, green , healthy and now she starts flowering :O) Perhaps you should try this too, I did it with anotherone before and it came out perfect!
    Happy week to you, Claudia xo

  2. Clematis, Wisteria and Polygonum always make a big mess, but they are so beautiful!
    Thabnks for sharing the photos and the wonderful music, have a nice week

  3. Good morning, Riitta,
    wonderful flower pictures, thanks ♥
    Have a nice week

  4. ...Messy Constance is an example of too much of something isn't a good thing. Pretty though. Such a lovely video, thanks Riitta for sharing. Enjoy your week.

  5. Clematis is such a fine bloom. I love the Music! Happy MosaicMonday

  6. Hello Dear Riitta!
    I love Clematis it's such beautiful plants.
    Great photos.
    Hugs and greetings.

  7. Olisipa kaikki sotkuinen yhtä kaunista :)

  8. A beautiful Clematis! Yes, they are very clingy! :-)

  9. A mí me gusta. Besitos.

  10. Kaunista sotkua sinulla siellä:)

  11. Jopas onkin mennyt komeesti mutkille. Ei ole kyllä helppo selvitettävä :)

  12. Herkät kukat ja kuvat.

  13. Kaunista sotkua vai olisiko sotkuuntunutta kauneutta! Kaunista yhtäkaikki.


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