
08 toukokuuta 2019

Animal Friends

This beautiful dog is my neighbour’s Kamu = Buddy. I often see him during my walks.

I always watch birds in my garden, but seldom succeed in getting good photos
as I don’t have any telephoto lens. In addition to wood pigeons and common small birds
I saw the other day also Pyrrhula pyrrhula male! Seldom seen.
Then I think I saw Carduelis carduelis - also seldom seen.

The f irst of May I saw this pretty smaller hawk that I have never seen in my garden before. 
I think it is Accipiter nisus. Bad photos - through glass & from far - but for evidence! 
A big goshawk has visited my garden a few times, but for this it was the first visit.

Photo: NaturePhoto - For identification

18 kommenttia:

  1. Liebe Riitta,
    dieser wunderschöne Hund ist sicher ein sehr, sehr guter Freund!
    Deine Vogelbilder sind wunderbar. Wie schön, dass Du mal Glückhattest.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you moni! The birds are so quick and I am too slow :)) But that small hawk was really pretty. It was nearer but it took time to get my camera...

  2. Hi Riitta,
    wonderful animal friends ! I love Dogs and I love the hawks! Thank you for sharing those wonderful phjotos!
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  3. Belas fotografias e o cão é muito bonito.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  4. Hallo Riitta,
    mit dem kleinen Habicht hast du einen tollen Treffer gelandet und Nachbars Hund scheint ein treuer Gefährte zu sein. Dies vermittelt das Foto.
    Herzliche Grüße

    1. This small hawk was really pretty! Wishing you a nice evening Lieselotte.

  5. ...birds are often way too fast for me!

  6. What a lovely dog and the hawk is a gorgeous visitor!
    Have a nice week!

  7. Hienoja otoksia.
    Ihana naapuri sinulle <3
    Teillä on käynyt haukka vierailulla, onpa se rohkea.

  8. Mahtava havainto ja kuvat!

  9. Great view!
    I like to see raptors...
    But also your neighbour's Kamu is nice!

  10. Koirat on parhaita. Kyllä linnutkin menettelevät, mutta ei ole karvakamun voittanutta.

  11. That handsome dog is smiling! The birds are enjoying your garden and no wonder! It is so lovely.

  12. Your neighbour's dog looks very friendly and smiling to you. The birds are too fast for my camera and the photos usually turned out blur or the birds were too far away.

  13. Liebe Riitta,
    der Hund ist wirklich wunderschön, ich liebe Hunde und bin sehr froh, dass wir auch einen so treuen Begleiter haben.
    Einen Falken habe ich bei uns im Garten noch nie gesehen.
    Ich wünsche Dir nochmals ein schönes Wochenende.

    Viele liebe Grüße

  14. El halcón se ve precioso, me encanta. Besitos.


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