
28 huhtikuuta 2019

Welcome Walpurgis Night & May!

Every spring the speed of the nature surprises me. Only a few warm days
are enough to grow buds in the shrubs and trees  ❤︎
The blooming of crocus and Salix caprea has gone, scillas are withering, but
Omphalodes verna blooms in blue carpets - so beautiful.

Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Sweden, The Netherlands & England.

We don't have many carnival days in Finland, but Walpurgis Night & the 1st of May
surely belong to them. This two day celebration is called Vappu.
Young and old put their student caps on, kids have colourful balloons, 
people camp in parks and drink champagne or some heavier stuff and chorus are singing.

In addition to booze we Finns drink sima and eat tippaleipä / funnel cakes at Vappu.
Sima is a sweet sparkling brew that is mainly seasonal. It is usually spiced by adding both 
the flesh and rind of a lemon. The alcohol content is very low due to limited fermentation. 
I don’t personally like tippaleipä, but here is a link telling how they are made.

Happy First of May! - Hauskaa vappua!
And a lovely May of course! - Ja ihanaa toukokuuta myös!
- riitta

For Jutta’s project also the originals.
The student cap is my husband’s. He has a pompom because he studied architecture, 
I studied marketing, no pompom for me!

19 kommenttia:

  1. Hello Riitta,
    what wonderful flowers and so much information about Finnish traditions.
    I wish you a nice Sunday :-)
    greetings moni

  2. ...spring certain is a glorious time of hear.

  3. Riitta - I deeply admire your mosaics. Color. Contrast. Composition. Framing. I could go on. I study them and hope to incorporate your techniques into my own collages. Thanks for the inspiration. I am confident everyone at Mosaic Monday receives great joy in viewing your flowers. Enjoy the upcoming holiday!

  4. A wonderful Post again... springtime is my favorite. Interessant to read about your tradition in Finnland.

    Happy MosaicMonday

  5. Enjoy Vappu and your beautiful bloomings, Riitta!

  6. Hello, beautiful bloosm and images. The funnel cake looks yummy. Happy May to you! Happy Monday, enjoy your day! Wishing you a great new week ahead.

  7. Todo muy interesante. Besitos.

  8. Funnel cakes remind of the county fair when I lived in Pomona, California. The lines to get funnel cakes were always the longest, but the wait was well worth it for the hot, sweet, crispy treats. - Margy

  9. Liebe Riitta,
    ein interessanter Beitrag von dir für Jutta. Modern Art! Deine Blüten Collagen liebe ich sehr!
    Einen guten Start in den Wonnemonat Mai wünscht dir Lieselotte

  10. Wunderschöner frühlingshafter Beitrag zum genießen.
    Und deine digitale Bearbeitung ist sehr modern.
    Toll , was du aus den 2 Originalfotos gezaubert hast.
    ♥lichen Dank für deine treue Teilnahme.
    liebe Grüße

  11. Modern Art, es gefällt mir. Die Phantasie ist angeregt. Die beiden ersten Bilder brauchten lange zum Hochladen,Warscheinlich hast Du sie nicht komprimiert. Die Qualität ist gut.
    Liebe Grüsse, klärchen

  12. Really nice, all the blooming flowers and your composition as a photo collage, too. The digital creation from the two photos looks very interesting and a bit like Modern Art by Andy Warhol.

    Have a nice night into may!

  13. So schöne blaue Collagen zeigen deinen Frühling. Eine fröhliche Nacht und ein schönes Fest wünscht, Pia

  14. Dear Ritta,
    such beautiful pictures and beautiful flowers.
    The pastry looks delicious and probably fits quite well.
    Greetings Eva

  15. Dear Ritta,
    ...spring certain is a glorious time of hear.
    beautiful pictures.
    Yes, Walpurgis (Walborg)is also celebrated big in Sweden.
    Modern Art, I like it. The imagination is there...
    Greetings, Elke

  16. Beautiful flowers. <3


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