
13 huhtikuuta 2019

Thankful and Happy for...

I thought I’ll list a few things that I feel thankful for, the list is long but I’ll make it short.

At 7.00 this morning the blackbirds are singing loud in the garden. They are teasing Sissi near to craziness, let her (on a leash) and me quite close and when it would be time to attack they fly away! Wood pigeons have arrived, a big fat pheasant screams and I have once seen a finch this spring. That reminded me of this old Finnish proverb:

A month from lark to summer, half a month from finch, 
little bit from wagtail, not a day from swallow!

Kuu kiurusta kesään, puolikuuta peipposesta, 
västäräkistä vähäsen, pääskysestä ei päivääkään!

I am not good at photographing birds, so instead some plants. I put bravely some muscaris and tete a tete daffodils on the terrace table - they do tolerate frosty nights. The daffodils shall be planted in a big pot when the soil melts in the shed! And later into the garden...

Due to recurring winter not much to photograph. Helleborus is blooming, as well as crocus. Snowdrops are starting and scillas on their way...

Yesterday was a sunny day, a bit warmer. I took my daily walk and washed half of the downstairs windows - with the help of hubby. I am so happy, little things can bring so much joy!

Virpominen is one of the Finnish Easter traditions. In short this means that kids dressed as Easter witches or trulls come on Palm Sunday with fancy decorated willow twigs to your door. Then they recite a spell in poetry form wishing you all the best for the coming year. When you get the fancy decorated twig you are supposed to give the kids some Easter candy. The collage is from last year.


 Finnland liegt so nördlich, dass in Deutschland bereits voller Sommer ist. 
Aber Frühlingsglück sind die kleinen Freude auch! Ich wünsche Ihnen allen 
ein wunderschönes Wochenende. Herzliche Grüße, riitta


33 kommenttia:

  1. Huomenta!
    I am glad for your walking success...all the best!

    1. Huomenta Luisella, kävin aamulla jo keräämässä pajunkissoja. In case you don't understand, ask your hubby :)

  2. You are showing us wonderful spring impressions. Finally winter is over again.
    Have a happy weekend!

    1. The waiting for spring seems always endless :) But what can you do! Happy weekend Varis.

  3. Aivan ihana postaus, kiitos!

    Mukavaa alkavaa pääsiäisviikkoa♥

    1. Kiitos Hanne, mukava tutustua <3 Kävinkin jo ihailemassa hinoja hyötyviljelmiäsi.

  4. ...Ritta, your post is filled with 'eye candy!' Thanks so much for sharing, enjoy your weekend.

  5. Belas fotografias e as flores são magnificas.
    Gostei da decoração do regador.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  6. Beautiful flowers. I like the pretty watering can. Have a great weekend!

    1. Little bit of romantic things isn't so bad ;)Happy weekend Nancy.

  7. Hemaisevia ja ajankohtaisia kuvia.
    Mustarastaan laulua on meillä kuultu noin kuukauden ajan.
    Onpa söpö kastelukannu :)

    1. Mustarastaat ovat ihania ja hurjan kesyjä. Kiva on lintuja katsella.

  8. Jetzt ist der Frühling auch bei euch eingezogen. Mit so einer schönen Giesskanne macht giessen gleich noch mehr Freude.
    L G Pia

  9. Lovely and colorful pictures! The little faces are so cute with their 'freckles'! The lipstick flower name you asked for is Aeschynanthus.

    1. Thank you Betty. I know Aeschynantus for sure - but it is a house plant in Finland!

  10. Liebe Riitta,
    bei uns gab es gerade heute einen Wintereinbruch, alles war weiß heute Morgen und kalt ist es auch, der Frühling macht eine Pause.
    Die Blumen in den Töpfen gefallen mir sehr gut und ich freue mich auch immer, wenn Vögel in unserem Garten sind, aber wir haben ja auch keine Katze, die die Vögel ärgern könnten. Dieser finnische Brauch zu Ostern gefällt mir auch sehr gut. Ich finde, man sollte die lokalen Bräuche viel mehr pflegen, sei sind ein Teil unserer Geschichte.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Sonntag.

    Viele liebe Grüße

    1. Thank you for your comment Wolfgang. My cat goes out only on leash, she likes to ambush the birds but cannot truly attack them. Today it looks wonderful - warmer with sun. Happy Easter!

  11. Liebe Riitta,
    Wie schön, dass langsam auch der Frühling bei Dir beginnt. Ich weiß, Du wartest sehnsüchtig darauf.
    Wir sind da natürlich weiter, haben es aber auch gerade nochmal kühler. In den letzten Tagen fielen ein paar Schneeflocken, in anderen Teil Deutschlands war es noch einmal komplett weiß. Aber es soll wieder wärmer werden.
    Deine Osterbepflanzung mit Traubenhyazinthen und Narzissen finde ich sehr hübsch.
    Ich wünsche Dir noch einen schönen restlichen Sonntag!
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar Steffi - wünsche dir sonnige Frühlingstage!

  12. Espero que pronto llegue y se quede la primavera. Besitos.

    1. Hoy es muy prometedor - sol, me encanta!

  13. Dearest ritta K; Oh, how wonderful if I could wake up hearing birds' sing♪ 
    Great lists of you felt thankful for♡♡♡ and Thank you SO much for your reminding me of Easter -;) Lovely and sweet kids with costume♧♧♧
    Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  14. Hello, love the cute kiddies and mosaic. Your flowers and the containers are all lovely. Happy Easter to you and your family. Enjoy your day! Have a great new week ahead.

  15. Happy Spring Riitta and a joyful Easter. Fascinating to learn the Finnish Easter tradition through your sweet pictures and words. (I wonder if our now in Finland grandchildren know about this...although I suspect there are very few children in the University apartment area where they live).

    1. Sallie, this Easter habit 'virpominen' is not any more so strong as it was in my childhood. I crew in Karelia and I think it is an eastern habit. I am so glad that there are still some Easter witches moving around here in the Helsinki aerea. But you can tell your grandchildren, now that you know!

  16. Riitta - the proverb is quite appropriate as the birds I see out my window seem to change daily. The spring flowers in your post offer so much hope for the sunny, warm days to come. I can appreciate the joy that comes of washing windows - I have been ignoring ours all winter … The tradition of Virpominen is new to me - your collage of the kids is fabulous! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday and a Happy Easter to you!

  17. Beautiful pictures Riitta :-)


  18. You've shared so many things that make this a special week! I love that pretty watering can and all the Spring flowers! Enjoy your week sweet lady!

  19. Riitta, Great spring and Easter photos. Love the spring flowers. Have a great week. Sylvia D.


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