
19 tammikuuta 2019

My Walking Routes

 In the middle of this white winter world, maybe one can remember summer!
At about 15 minutes drive from my home I can go to a kind of wilderness.
The Kuusijärvi - Spruce Lake recreational area is very popular with good paths, beach,
sauna, beautiful lake and lovely old trees. Here a few glimpses from earlier summers.

Even our outdoor girl Sissi loves to walk there.


Heute besteht mein Glück aus Sommererinnerungen und Sommerfotos.

21 kommenttia:

  1. Es muss schön sein, dort zu spazieren und die Natur zu genießen.

  2. Hi Riitta,
    wonderful walking routes! It is great, you take your Cat wiht you :O)
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  3. An enjoyable place certainly. Nice summer feelings…
    Have a nice weekend!

  4. Kuusijärvi ympäristöineen on todellakin kaunista seutua. On kyllä tuhottoman monta vuotta siitä, kun viimeksi olen käynyt tuolla!
    Kesä <3

  5. Looks like a beautiful place to walk, what a lovely cat you have...

    Hugs, Ida

  6. Lovely to see a beautiful green world at this bleak time of year. It won’t be long until they green shoots start appearing :) Have a lovely weekend. B x

  7. ...with scenery like this, I would look forward to my walk. Thanks Ritta for sharing, let's go on another walk soon!

  8. Your walking route looks most peaceful and scenic. It's nice how your Sissi enjoys it as well... and your handsome man :D)

  9. It's nice to have such a nice surroundings to walk, love it summer and winter.
    Have a nice weekend, we have at last some frost too.

  10. Es muy hermoso lugar. Besitos.

  11. Was für ein wundervoller Ort zum Spazieren gehen! Wie schön, die Katze läuft mit.

    1. Thank you all for commenting ❤︎ It really is so colourless now, summer memories help a bit!

  12. Noista ei maisemat voi paljoa parantua :)

  13. Beautiful places to walk and enjoy!

  14. It is so beautiful, Riitta.

  15. Hello, beautiful scenes and images from your walk. Pretty kitty! Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead.

  16. A wonderful place to walk, so soothing with all the water and trees. - Margy

  17. What a wonderful place to walk and be with Nature. I'm impressed that your Sissi walks the path with you. I suppose if we put our Molly the Cat on a leash until she feels comfortable with her surroundings, she might do well on a hiking path. Your Sissi is gorgeous.

  18. Riitta - I am not ready for winter to be over, but it is still delightful to look at summer photos. What I miss most is the light - we are far north, as you are, and the light is SO LOW at this time of year … I am amazed that your cat Sissi will walk on a leash - however did you accomplish that? Thanks for bringing some summer sunshine to Mosaic Monday this week!

  19. Liebe Riitta,
    Das ist ein schöner Ort, um spazieren zu gehen. Eine Freundin von mir geht auch jeden Morgen mit ihrer Katze spazieren. In der Zwischenzeit ist die Katze so daran gewöhnt, dass sie ungehalten wird, wenn der Spaziergang ausfallen soll.
    Wirklich süß, Eure Sissi!
    Liebe Grüße


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