
21 tammikuuta 2019

Cold & Sunny Helsinki ❤︎

I’m very lazy in photographing Helsinki - maybe it is too familiar to me...
But today it is a stunning winter day: full sunshine, clear blue sky and - 20C.
I have to share you these _very_ quick mobile shots (I was sitting in the car).

The beautiful Eastern Orthodox Uspenski Cathedral
- beside a modern office block of Stora Enso, a pulp, paper etc. producing company.
The huge office building is designed by the great Alvar Aalto and built in the 60’s.

The Helsinki market place at the background, today empty due to the cold.
But the tourists don’t mind...

Along The Kaivopuisto Park you can admire The Gulf of Finland in its winter beauty.

Underneath a memorial to seafarers and those who died in the sea
by the sculptor Oskari Jauhiainen & Eero Eerikäinen from 1968.

Maybe to these beautiful winter scenes the voice of Tarja Turunen is appropriate.
This former vocalist of the Finnish heavy metal band Nightwish has a stunning voice!

My January was blue and white with a bit of pink.
Wishing you a great new week!
- riitta



30 kommenttia:

  1. ...beautiful wintery scenes paired with this lovely voice. Understanding the lyrics isn't important. Thank you Ritta for sharing, enjoy your day.

  2. Wonderful Winter Images

  3. The cathedral is amazing! I like how it looks next to the more modern building.

  4. What wonderful pics of your city.
    A real winter landscape, glorious.
    Thanks for the beautiful insights
    greetings Nicole

  5. Hi Riitta,
    you have wonderful winterweather! thank you for the lovely pictures!
    we can enjoy frost and sun too at the moment!
    Have a great week,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  6. Danke, liebe Riitta, für diese traumhaft schönen Winter-Impressionen aus Helsinki.
    Ja, wenn man im warmen Auto sitzt, ist es schön, die Gegend zu fotografieren...
    Alles Liebe und vor allem Gesundheit für 2019,
    liebe Grüße
    Hier haben wir minus 8 Grad, ganz schön kalt für uns.
    Meine Galanthus elwesii blühen schon, liegen nun aber am Boden.
    Eine Helleborus orientalis im Topf steht am Tag draußen
    und kommt abends ins Haus.

  7. experience for those tourists!
    I really like this song: I had it for some time as a ringing melody in my mobile.

  8. Dear Riitta,
    ou, I think I never ever had -20° C. It must be so cold! But your pictures are Wonderful, so clear and with a lot of snow.

  9. Wow! What a voice!
    Perfect soundtrack for your stunning winter views.
    (I'm sure glad you stayed in your car . . . burrrr.)

  10. Helsinki is beautiful. Unfortunately we have never been there, but we should. Have a nice day.

  11. Sinulla on kännykässä laadukas kamera. Upeita kuvia talvisesta Helsingistä.

  12. I'm not sure I could survive a Helsinki winter! It looks so cold! Beautiful, but COLD!
    Thanks for sharing at

  13. Hello Riitta, I can't imagine what -20C must feel like, how amazing! Everyone is out and about enjoying themselves too.
    It is so lovely to see your beautiful City, thank you for taking those photos. The buildings and parks are wonderful :D)

  14. Las fotografías son preciosas, me encantan. Pero hace mucho frío. Besitos.

  15. Looks cold, but pretty in the (rare) wintersun!
    I'm a fan of T. Turunen, know her still from the last years of my "dark era". As the inner German border was fallen, I discovered the music of the Gothic people and was fascinated of it for a long time. But since I have finally a faster Web-connection, I was going back to the music of my childhood and youth: all the different music from Russia. Thanks Web I can hear it again, songs, wich I never forgotten, but not heard for 40 years in real...
    Enjoy the sunny side of winter

  16. Beautiful nice photos!

  17. Your foto journey through Helsinki are poetry for my eyes... The Gothic music is fascinating for each, they love it. I love this song. It Touchs the heart. Happy MosaicMonday, wish you a very good Week.
    Hugs, Heidrun

  18. Liebe Riitta,
    danke für die tollen Bilder. Sonnenschein und Schnee ist immer was ganz Besonderes. Am Wochenende hatten wir auch ein wunderbares sonniges aber kaltes Wetter. Auch bei uns herrscht die Kälte, bläst eisiger Wind. Es gibt nur keinen Schnee.
    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Woche.

  19. Hi Riitta,
    Helsinki is beautiful in the summer (I was there in September) and delightful in the winter.
    What wonderful landscapes.
    Warm hugs
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  20. Wonderful winter scenes in Helsinki.

    All the best Jan

  21. oooo -20, but air was so clear, your photos are great. and than's for Nightwish :)

  22. Schön Winterbilder von Helsinki, das ich nur im Sommer kenne, zu sehen.
    Helsinki ist zu jeder Jahreszeit eine Reise wert.
    L G Pia

  23. Heimweh und Sehnsucht wecken deine Bilder, soooo schön ist Helsinki zu jeder Jahreszeit. So oft war ich schon da, aber kaum zu glauben die orthodoxe Kirche habe ich noch nicht gesehen. Na ich werde ja wieder kommen!
    Nightwish sind wirklich klasse, mir gefällt besonders The Phantom of the Opera und Wish I had an Angel!
    Schönen Sonntag

  24. Liebe Riitta,
    Tatsächlich ist die Liedauswahl zu den Bildern sehr passend! Es sind mal wieder außergewöhnlich schöne Winterbilder.
    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Woche!
    Liebe Grüße

  25. The cold air is so very clear and makes for simply wonderful sharp photos. Brrr. Stay warm in your beautiful city.

  26. Riitta - you might have taken these from your car, but they still bear the mark of your photographic talent. I especially like the one with the people (tourists?) bundled up against the cold. And then the mosaic - ooh la la! Such a stunning composition of color and light and subjects - this could easily be a cover for a calendar! Thanks for lending your talent to grace the pages of Mosaic Monday!

  27. Hello, lovely winter scenes and photos. I love the mosaic, very pretty. Have a happy day and a great new week ahead!

  28. Luv your sunny winter shots. Happy mosaic Monday. Thanks for the music also



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