
02 marraskuuta 2018

Friday Bliss #8

If months were marked by colors, 
November in New England - and in Finland! - would be colored gray. 
- Madeleine M. Kunin

This November there seems to be nothing to say.
- Anne Sexton
As you can see from the above quotes autumn darkness has landed in Finland
and the lack of daylight starts to have its effect on my mood :)
It is definitely the time to start to use my Beurer daylight therapy lamp.
It really helps to overcome this fatigue! 

November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.

With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.

The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring.
- Clyde Watson

Wishing you a blessed All Saints’ Day! - Rauhaisaa pyhäinpäivää!
- riitta 

The link is open
Helsinki time

14 kommenttia:

  1. It's good to be joining you once more for Friday Bliss. Your beautiful photos and words give a sense of your days at the start of November. I hope the light lamp helps during these days of less light. I'm resigned to colder and cloudier days here in the UK as Winter sets in.

  2. The sentimental month is here - but we will make the best of the dark days - I am sure!
    Wonderful photos!
    Happy start of the weekend!
    Hugs, Susi

  3. I like cooler days but the darker days can affect our moods such as making me feel lazier. Happy November!

  4. Kauniita kuvia harmaan perjantai piristykseksi.

  5. November does have the reputation of being a dull month. I see you've found beauty in it, though. I hope the light helps keep you energized.

  6. Liebe Riitta,
    diese dunkle und kalte Zeit mag ich auch nicht. Bei uns ist es noch nicht so weit: Die Bäume haben eine schöne Herbstfärbung angenommen und die Natur wartet noch ein bisschen, bevor sie die Laubkleidung auszieht. Wir haben ein großes Problem - die Trockenheit. Sogar der großer Fluss Rhein hat zu wenig Wasser. Der Schiffsverkehr ist zum großen Teil eingestellt. Das hat Auswirkungen auf viele Lieferungen Bundesweit. Wir werden die steigenden Preise noch spüren. Der kommende Frühling wird das ganze Ausmaß der Trockenheit auf die Natur noch zeigen.
    Ich wünsche Dir viel gute Laune und mach es Dir gemütlich!
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Loretta,
      Ich wusste gar nicht, dass die Dürre in Deutschland so schwierig war. Unsere Nachrichten haben nichts erzählt. Also habe ich an Spiegel Online und ein paar andere Seiten geschaut. Die Dürre verursacht sicherlich großen Schaden für Natur, Pflanzen und Tiere. Es ist schwer zu glauben, dass der Rhein so ausgetrocknet ist -ich habe den Rhein im Sommer gesehen, wenn er wunderschön kräftig und voller Wasser war. Die globale Erwärmung ist schrecklich!

      Vielen Dank für dein Kommentar - schönes Wochenende.

  7. Lo mismo te deseo. Un beso.

  8. Dear Riitta,
    fortunately, it's not here yet. The foliage of the trees turns slowly and only a few leaves have fallen down. It rained a bit last week, but it is still much too dry. The water level of our lake is very deep. Also, the days have become shorter, but from 6.30 to 17 o'clock it is still pleasantly bright.
    Have a Lovely weekend and

    1. Thank you Eda and all of you! This happens to me every autumn until I get used: the darkness comes so suddenly, it is pure body’s chemistry! One December I was in Tunis. It was not very warm there either, but coming back home and landing at Helsinki airport I noticed the HUGE difference in LIGHT.
      Many people suffer here a type of depression caused by the lack of daylight. My case is not so severe... My lamp has already helped :) Have a nice weekend you all!

  9. Beautiful and tender november's flowers, very nice photos. The tree (birch?) is my favourite.

  10. We have to survive shorter and darker days... ;) Longer and brighter ones will come...
    Thank you for hosting.

  11. Today's poem is so suitable!
    Be strong for all November, Riitta, then Christmas will cheer you up!


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