
20 marraskuuta 2018

Candy = Chocolate ❤︎

Our topic at Makrotex Challenge is CANDY.
I don’t eat any other candy but chocolate, you might say I’m a chocoholic :)
Lately I have cut my chocolate eating to a minimum and have tried stronger ones
with more cocoa and less fat & sugar.
This cheap Rainbow’s 64% mint chocolate is pretty good, at least consumable.

Since childhood I have been truly addicted to Karl Fazer’s milk chocolate brand Geisha.
But lately it has tasted too sweet & fatty. Maybe my addiction is setting me free! 

26 kommenttia:

  1. Makeisista ehdoton, on suklaa.
    Tuo minttusuklaa on melko hyvää. Fazerin chilisuklaapatukka oli kaupassa vaikea ohittaa. Yritän myös eroon makeisista, yritän....

  2. hello Riitta,
    I am very fond of chocolate too. I like Geisha of course, but I like also darker chocolate. In Italy we have a long tradition of chocolate-makers as well. In this time of year chocolate is a little consolation...enjoy it!

  3. Dear Riitaa,
    I love chocolate and my family too. Well, we eat chocolate every day, sometimes with bread or fruits or on its own.
    Mint-chocolate sounds great, i am sure, that I would like it very much.
    Have a nice afternoon and

  4. Otan mielummin Geishan ;)

  5. Oi ja voi nam:) Geishat on ihan lemppareita:)♥ Mukavaa tiistai päivää♥

  6. No jopas suloisia kiusauksia laitoit. Seuraavalla kauppareissulla saatan sortua.

  7. My name is Susu, and I'm also a chocoholic!

  8. Casi todos los días como un trocito de chocolate, lo controlo bien. Besitos.

  9. Dark chocolates is considered to be a healthy treat!

  10. Tumma suklaa on suurin piirtein ainoa mahdollinen laktoosi-intolerantille

  11. I confess, I too love chocolate. I tried to enjoy the darker variety but no luck. Cheers! :D)

  12. There are worse addictions a woman could have]]. I don’t care for any other kind of candy either .... and I’m not *exactly* addicted. If there is no chocolate in the house, I don’t really think about it. But when there is some (gift or impulse buy at the supermarket) I want to eat it all! The secret is not letting it in the door!

  13. Aah, geishat ovat minunkin suosikkejani ja kääreetkin erästä lempiväriäni (minulla on paljon lempivärejä!).

  14. I also love chocolate, I'm not that fond of other candy but I write for my living and need a lot of chocolate in order to keep my brain functioning! ;)

  15. Hei
    Sjokolade er så godt. Jeg elsker sjokolade.

  16. Ooh, nyt on suklaata yllin kyllin. Hyvät kuvat maistuvasta makeasta.

    T. Täysin arkista

  17. Hallo liebe Riitta,
    ich esse Schokolade auch sehr gern, aber immer nur ein paar Stückchen sonst geht es zu sehr auf die Hüfte *g*

    Liebe Grüße

  18. I am fortunate (I think) that I do not have a sweet tooth. I would much rather eat cheese and crackers … and I suppose that can be fattening and unhealthy too! Nice pictures of your addiction ...

  19. Today is a sweet post.
    The chocolate is healthy in small amounts.
    However, I do not eat chocolate. I like sweets.

  20. Voi sentään, täällä maistuu ihan kaikki karkki. Eipä taida olla montaa karkkia mitä en kelpuuttaisi. Geisha on kyllä suklaista parhaita.

  21. I love chocolates especially dark and bitter chocolates! Have a wonderful weekend!

  22. Nam, suklaan kanssa ei voi koskaan mennä pieleen. :)


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