
10 lokakuuta 2018

Squirrel’s Song

Today we flag Aleksis Kivi (1834-1874), 
one of our national writers. His iconic work Seitsemän veljestä - Seven Brothers - Siete Hermanos 
has been translated in several languages. This poem Squirrel’s Song is from Seven Brothers 
that was first published in 1870.

The municipality Nurmijärvi where he was born honors Seven Brothers in their coat of arms.
Brit Joel Willans has seen seven clones of Mr. Trump here...
I have visited a small cottage in Fanjunkars, Siuntio where he lived several years - see my post.

Sweetly a little squirrel
lies in his moss room
the place that wolf's teeth
or hunter's trap
could never reach

From his high chamber
he looks at the world
many battles under him
but a branch of a coniver, the peace flag
fluttering above him

Such a happy living
in the swinging cradle castle
there swings the little squirrel
in the dear spruce, on the mother's chest
listening to the kantele of the Forest

There sleeps the sway-tail
front of his little window
singing birds under the sky
walk him in the evening
to the Golden Land of Dreams

Makeasti oravainen
Makaa sammalhuoneessansa;
Sinnepä ei Hallin hammas
Eikä metsämiehen ansa
Ehtineet milloinkaan.

Kammiostaan korkeasta
Katselee hän mailman piirii,
Taisteloa allans´ monta;
Havu-oksan rauhan-viiri
Päällänsä liepoittaa.

Mikä elo onnellinen
Keinuvassa kehtolinnass´!
Siellä kiikkuu oravainen
Armaan kuusen äitinrinnass´:
Metsolan kantele soi!

Siellä torkkuu heiluhäntä
Akkunalla pienoisella,
Linnut laulain taivaan alla
Saattaa hänen iltasella
Unien Kultalaan.



14 kommenttia:

  1. I love squirrels so much. They are to hear in the trees, jumping from one branch to the next... The poem, the song are fantastic! Thank you for sharing this Post.
    Wish you a happy WednesdayAroundTheWorld

    1. Happy WATW Erica - this is so dear to us Finns <3

  2. When I was child I loved this story and the movie. What a pity Kivi died so young.

    1. Yes, he had a really sad life in poverty. Maybe the tough critics on Seven Brothers was one of the reasons for his collapse.

  3. Fantástica a primeira fotografia é um grande momento.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

    1. Muchas gracias Francisco - feliz día! Tuvieras que leer Siete Hermanos si es traducido en portugués :)

  4. Thanks for sharing!
    The poem is lovely...and so is the squirrel.

  5. Ihana kurrekuva ja tämä Aleksis Kiven laulu tuo mieleen ala-asteen laulutunnit. :-)

  6. Oh, Riitta,
    what a wonderful Squirrel Song! I Love it!
    Thank you for the Song and the wonderful pictures!
    Have a happy Day,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  7. What a sweet squirrel with such fluffy ears.
    I love the squirrel poem; it reminds me of a lullaby.

  8. Kerrassaan osuva postaus näin Aleksis Kiven päivänä.
    Laulu toi mieleen lapsuudestani pienen pätkän, jolloin olin hoidettavana lastenkodissa.
    Siellä iki-ihana Saimi-täti lausui tuota runoa ja minä päätin, että minusta tulee isona Saimi-täti.

    1. Ja sinusta tuli Saimi-täti <3 Tämä on ihana, eikä yhtään ole aika syönyt.

  9. Squirrels are lovely animals.
    The poem is beautiful and so is the music.
    Continuation of a good week.

  10. Las ardillas son preciosas y el poema también. Besitos.


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