
29 syyskuuta 2018

Plant Fun in September

Humulus lupulus ’Aureus’ is one of my favourite climbers because of its color.
And it is so easy to add from roots! I have bought only one plant but added
it from tiny pieces of roots to many places and also donated them to friends.
I have it growing on a pergola and on an iron mesh fence 
next to the neighbour with Parthenocissus.

Now it has builded these pretty cones or whatever they are.

The chemical compounds found in Humulus lupulus are main components 
in flavoring and bittering beer. Some other compounds help with creating foam in beer. 
Until the middle ages, Myrica gale was the most common plant used for brewing beer. 
Humulus lupulus took off as a flavoring agent for beer because it contains preserving agents, 
making the beer viable for longer.

Last night was the first frost night, the temperature went below zero.
When the sun came out the day is bright and beautiful.
Happy Weekend.

14 kommenttia:

  1. Vastaukset
    1. I think this lime humulus would fit perfectly to your garden. Gives nice variety in green foliage - and stays lime the whole season.

  2. Humala on kaunis, meilläkin aikoinaan oli terassilla. Naapuri halusi niistä eroon niin hävitettiin kaikki, ettei leviä. Itse olisin tykännyt. Villiviini myös kaunis syksyllä. Upeat värit olet löytänyt kuviisi.

  3. Hello Riitta,
    also in Somero first frosty night…
    Let's enjoy the weekend!

    1. My husband is today in Somero, I stayed home with Sissi...

  4. So red! And beautiful pale green.

    1. Parthenocissus, Cornus sibirica & Prunus pensylvanica have the most red autumn color in my garden!

  5. Excelente trabalho fotográfico, gostei destas belas plantas.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  6. Se ven preciosos. Por aquí mucho calor todavía... no es normal tanto calor. Un beso.

  7. WOW!
    Rittal, you showed a wonderful and beautiful picture and colors.
    Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs and greetings:)

  8. Riitta, I am very sorry for changing my name.

  9. Wilden Hopfen finde ich auch sehr dekorativ, liebe Riitta. Da habe ich noch Kindheitserinnerungen wie diese Pflanze an unserem Gartenschuppen wächst. Treibt die Pflanze jedes Jahr Triebe von neuem aus?
    Liebe Grüße


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