
24 tammikuuta 2018

Is it possible to get buried in the snow?

Happy Wednesday my dear readers! I hope you have more pleasant weather than us 
here in the southern Finland. I'm really serious with my question 
and am afraid that I get buried in the snow!

Voiko lumeen hukkua tai hautautua, epäilen vahvasti että voi!

Yesterday there was no snowing and a pale winter sun & blue sky - so delightful.
I had the intention of going today to the river to take some beautiful winter photos
- but no way! It keeps pouring snow like from the hell.
Quite impossible to take any photos today - so I show you some from yesterday.

Tarkoitus oli mennä ihanalle talviselle kuvausretkelle, mutta eipä tullut mitään!

Winter Wonderland - wonderful? - Maybe not!
Aikuisten oikeesti tää lumentulo jo riittäisi!

Stay cosy and keep warm! Good humour helps they say!

15 kommenttia:

  1. Nyt on teilläkin lunta. Taitaa olla koko Suomi lumen peitossa. - Mukavaa loppuviikkoa!

    1. Kyllä vaan Anneli! Olin aamulla tunnin lumitöissä, mutta näyttää jo siltä ettei viikkoon olis lapioon koskettukaan :)

  2. Riitta,

    It is indeed a winter wonderland but one that you can keep. lol I love seeing photos of so much snow but in truth I do not want it here. I have dear penpal who lives near Espoo in Finland. I believe the country is known as the land of a thousand lakes or something like that, right? These are gorgeous photos and I enjoyed them very much. I can't imagine getting snowfalls like this. It's too incredible. Have a good day and happy WW!

    Curious as a Cathy

    1. Yes, Finland is the land of a thousand lakes :) Google told that we have over 187 000 lakes! Espoo - Helsinki - Vantaa belong to the capital region. I'm from Vantaa, Espoo is half an hour's ride from my home. So your pen pal has the same Winter Wonderland!

  3. Vaikka hautautuisimme lumeen, toivon ensi yöksi luvatun sateen tulevan lumena eikä vetenä. Hauis kasvaa koln varressa, ei tarvita kuntosalia. ;)

  4. I love to see your snowy scenes from the comfort of my warm home. Everywhere in the world seems to be having snow except Jersey. Do take care when you are outside. B x

  5. Dear Riitta, also here in Somero we had a lot of snow today, but now it is

  6. Beautiful scenes and, like Coastal Ripples, I most enjoy seeing snow when I'm inside and toasty warm!
    Thanks for sharing at

  7. Muy lindas las fotografías. Por aquí muy buen tiempo, con sol. Besitos.

  8. The snow is so beautiful. We have none and all is grey and dreary. If only you could share some of your white fluffy snow! A sense of humour is good for any season!

    1. Gladly Lorrie ! How about one whole container ? :)))

  9. Dearest ritta K; Wow, Please be careful not to get buried in the snow! We had a Cold Wave in Japan the day before yesterday and maybe the only one chance I can see piled snow this season. I was fascinated with the view and my husband got confused as he had appointment with the doctor to go out p;-)

    Take Care under the cold weather and thank you so much for your comments.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  10. Kauniita lumikuvia♥ Kiva kun tuota lunta on talvella:) Mukavaa viikon jatkoa♥

  11. Doch 'Winterwunderland', liebe Riitta, wir haben Januar und da sollte es so aussehen. Das sind Bilder aus meiner Kindheit. Ich las vorhin noch bei Jutta, dass es in Zukunft immer mehr verregnete und zu warme Winter geben wird. Ich danke Dir auf jeden Fall für die schönen Winterbilder. Und eines sollte Dich trösten: der nächste Frühling kommt bestimmt!
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Ja bestimmt Edith! Der Winter dauert nur ein Paar Monate und wir werden der gruene Fruehling wieder haben!


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