
12 syyskuuta 2017

Floral Bliss #38

The garden is wet and looks ugly.
Still some clematis are in bloom, as well as some perennials.
There is no other choice but accept that the autumn has come.

Puutarhassa on rähjäistä ja märkää. Kukinta hiipuu.
Vielä sinnittelevät kärhöt, salkoruusut ja muutama muu perenna.
Ei auta kuin hyväksyä syksyn tulo.

I feel always a bit depressed at this time, saying farewell to the summer - can't help.
Last autumn was dry & sunny with sparkling autumn colors.
Now it seems only wet and sad.
Therefore I chose these black Alcea Nigra - they fit so well into my mood.

Minut valtaa joka syksy alakulo kun kesälle on jätettävä hyvästit.
Viime syksy oli kylläkin ihana & kuulas ja ruskan värit upeita.
Nyt näyttää vaan harmaalta, märältä ja ikävältä.
Ehkäpä nämä jo pitkään kukkineet mustat salkoruusut sopivat hyvin mielentilaani.

I have grown these from seed. Among 10 black ones there was this one brick red!
Olen kylvänyt nämä siemenestä. Yksi joukosta oli tämä ihana tiilenpunainen.

I'll soon stop my complaining, so sorry.
 It takes me normally for 1 -2 weeks to accept the autumn and this darkness.
And it really is the body's chemistry: we need more daylight.
So it's the time to take my Beurer bright light lamp into use!

Lopetan kyllä kohta nämä motkotukseni, pahoittelen.
Valon puute on vaan kropan kemiallinen reaktio: aivolisäke ei toimi kunnolla.
Siispä Beurerin kirkasvalolamppu taas esille!

Helsinki time
Please join & share your photos with us!

Let's try to cope & find some joy! - Yritetään pärjätä ja löytää ilonaiheita!

27 kommenttia:

  1. Bei uns, liebe Riitta, regnet es auch gerade und es donnert sogar. Ja, wir müssen den Herbst akzeptieren. Uns bleibt auch nichts anderes übrig. Und nach jedem Tief folgt auch wieder ein Hoch. Hol Dir das Tageslicht mit Beurer. Ich kenne einige Büromenschen, die das auch machen. Deine fast schwarze Stockrose hat eine ähnliche Farbe wie eine meiner Helleboris orientalis.
    Liebe Grüße

    1. My blue feelings don't last for long, I'm lucky. But there are really persons who get deeply depressed when the daylight diminishes. And yes - this afternoon the sun came out - what a wonderful sight!

  2. Thinking of you Riitta. We have had a very sudden autumn this year although they are talking about a warmer drier spell next week. Here's hoping. Meanwhile your alcea nigra are glorious. I think I call them hollyhocks. B x

    1. Blogging is a good language teacher too: salkoruusu, stokros, hollyhock, Stockrose, malva real (?)... :)

  3. Están preciosa. Un beso.

  4. Kauniita kukkasia olet vielä löytänyt. Omani ovat jo melkoisen surkeita, märkyys ja valon puute :-(
    Nyt nautitaan alkavan ruskan väreistä ja kahisevista lehdistä jaloissa...

  5. Anonyymi12 syyskuuta

    I love the darker hollyhocks. So dramatic. And I'm definitely like you, mourning the end of summer. :(

  6. Täytyy kääntää katse siihen, mikä on vielä kaunista. Ilman rumaa, kauniskaan ei olisi niin kaunis (?)

  7. Voi tuo on kyllä tuttu tunne..ei haluaisi siitä kesästä ja valoisuudesta luopua!! Onneksi syksyssä on jotain hyvääkin...tunnelma ja värit♥ Leppoisaa viikkoa!!

  8. In Italy it is rainy and boring as well, in this moment.
    Even here some people get depressed as the season changes.
    We are human. Enjoy your beautiful flowers!

  9. Dearest ritta K; Good Morning from Japan♪ Your Alcea both colors are SO GORGEOUS;Thank you so much for showing us with rain drops. I like the "dark purple" color♡♡♡ I don't think I see them around my neighbor. Oh, have you been busy like me? Busy schedule sometimes makes us weary. So sorry for my absence for comment and Have a wonderful rest of the week, Dear friend.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  10. I like the dark and the red flowers.

  11. I like both the black and red flowers. They are both beautiful in its own way. Hope your depressing mood will disappear soon after awhile to enjoy the season.

  12. Hi Riitta,
    your black Hollyhock is georgeous! It is really great, they got red flowers too! Nature is full of little wonders, isnt't it?
    Habe a happy week,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

  13. Your photos are a joy at this rainy grey morning... but it IS sad, that summer is over, before it begun. With us too. Just comes the time, where we are living from our memories and pictures... and we are thankful for every sunny day. Let's enjoy them, every could be the last!
    It's a miracle to see, what comes out seeds.
    Send you an raibow and a smile for today

  14. hélas ! il ne reste pas beaucoup de fleurs dans le jardin
    quelques dalhias et des petites roses
    pour les roses trémières , elles sont capricieuses
    une année elle sont là , l'été suivant plus rien
    les roses trémières noires on les appelle " les quenouilles de la vierge "
    bonne journée malgré ces temps triste ( pluie et vent )

  15. This Alcea Nigra looks amazing! I really hope, that some brighter and sunnier days will come to your place, so you can enjoy Autumn and do not need to be sad about it any longer. Here the weather is ok. On some days it rains, the other days are sunny. Unfortunately most sunny days are during the week, when I have to sit in my office and canot work in the garden ;-)

    Have a wonderful rest of the week!


  16. Hello Riitta! Such gorgeous flowers; the red one is a delight among those black Alcea Nigra. Always captured so stunning, that I can see for so close the delicate aspects of the petals.
    Wonderful start in new season, a very cosy and lovely week of September! Alexa

  17. I love your dark purple hollyhocks. I'm sorry that the seasonal change makes you feel a little sad. I must admit I miss Italy although not the very hot weather of August which was over-the-top this year.

  18. The blossoms are very impressive! I am sorry to see summer ending. I get a bit depressed in winter too. I get outside when the sun shines and it is helpful.

    1. Thank you all so much for visiting & commenting <3

  19. La negra está preciosa Riita. nunca ví este color.

  20. Hello Riita....a bit late to the party but so happy to find you with a meme close to my heart.

    1. Floral Bliss continues the year around. You are warmly welcome <3

  21. Wow, these are lovely hollyhocks! Beautiful colors too. I love these flowers!


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