
04 elokuuta 2017

Green & Rainy Weekend

It is raining cats and dogs - today and tomorrow!
I don't want to go out at all, I am pissed off.
From July archives some lime green photos for Mascha's

Green Weekend

This large steel planter sits on my old garden Singer.
Every spring I search sprouts of this lime Lysimachia mummularia from the garden and plant it here. I like the color.
An autumn look a few years back
A photo early this summer, Lysimachia mummularia starting to grow...
I am a bit disappointed with that lilac Osteospermum, it stays funny looking...

Lime colored Spiraea japonica makes a good contrast with blue Tradescantia x Andersonii
Lime colored Physocarpus opulifolius is a nice bush in dark corners
I so wish you have more sun than Finland!

17 kommenttia:

  1. Niin kauniita kuvia😍Tulisi vaan vielä niitä kesäisiä ilmoja ja loppuisi nämä sateet😊Mukavaa viikonloppua💕🌻

    1. Onhan tässä kesää vielä, mutta pitää päästellä marmatuksia välillä! Viikonloppuja.

  2. Upeat kontrastit. Tähtisilmä taitaa tykätä auringonpaisteesta. Tuon hauskannäköiset terälehdet muistuttavat minun uudenvuoden tinoja. Aurinkoisia päiviä.

    1. Juu, ei tullut aurinkoa tänä kesänä, lobeliatkin on mädäntyneet. Tätä tää puutarhurointi on :)

  3. Dear Riitta,
    I like the plants in the big steel plant. The color gray is not usual in the garden, but it looks very elegant.
    Best regards

    1. Silver & grey in foliage looks so calming. Happy weekend Loretta.

  4. Dear Riitta,
    oh poor you, I hope, you will get dry and sunny moments inbetween all the raindrops ... I just have seen a quote ... " rain is liquid sunshine" ;O)))
    Happy weekend to you, and thank you for those wonderful flowerpictures! I love this steel pot with the plants ...loooks great!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße,Claudia ♥

    1. Liquid sunshine :LOL Thank you Claudia for comforting me <3 Happy weekend.

  5. Liebe Riitta,
    ich könnte ein bißchen Sonne schicken, wenn Du etwas Regen schickst. Mein Garten braucht schon wieder Regen. Die Farbe der Lysimachia ist sehr schön, aber noch besser gefällt mir das Blau vom Männertreu und von der Dreimasterblume.
    Ein schönes Wochenende wünscht Edith

    1. Let's do so Edith - sun for me, rain for you! :) Happy weekend.

  6. Por aquí tenemos demasiado sol. Feliz fin de semana.

  7. Hello Rita!:) Thank you for your lovely comment. Please forgive my tardy visit, but I have been outdoors most of this week. We are enjoying beautiful sunny summer days, and I have been making the most of it. I wish I could send you some of our good weather. I like your lime green plant, and the blue flowers, favourite colour in my garden. I hope the sun shines very soon for you.:)

  8. Sigh! Rain is good for green and all weeds are growing so fast (with us too in this year)... but I feel with you: it is enough!
    Send you a lot of sunshine, thanks for joining/sharing your wonderful photos

  9. If it's any consilation Riitta we have had a fair amount of rain here too. It feels more like Autumn!
    The good thing is you don't have to water and your beautiful garden plants will love it!
    Your images are stunning, loving your blue flowers.
    Have a brilliant weekend :)

  10. finally we got some rain and are happy. We had draught for a long time. Your plants seem healthy despite the amount of rain you got.

  11. I'm so glad you like my blog. As you can see I post mainly about plants. My other blog Kirja vieköön! is about literature. Thank you for your comment - have a lovely summer.


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