
09 kesäkuuta 2017

Vihreää onnea & iloa!

Uutta puutarhaonnea on joka päivä!
New Garden Happiness every day! - Neuer Garten Glück jeden Tag!

I have three colors of Syringa vulgaris.

The bushes are very high, I have planted them all from root sprouts.

My garden does not really suit for rhododendrons, they are not so well looking.
First to bloom is Haaga. Catawbiense Grandiflorum and St. Michel are not yet in bloom.

I'm very happy about this sight:
Veratrum viridis has four buds ❤︎ Last year it did not bloom at all.
Only its growing place under Aralia elata is not the best possible...

Viherpärskäjuuressa 4 nuppua!

Soon time to cut the yearly growth..

Puutarhaonnea toivottelen kaikille! - Happy gardening!

11 kommenttia:

  1. Upeita kukkia jälleen kerran! Nuo syreenit ovat tosi kauniita <3

  2. Finally the good time is arrived!
    I can smell the syringa... but aralia elata is new for me.
    Happy weekend

    1. Aralia elata is a nice plant with sharp thorns and spreads like hell :) So not the perfect companion to my special Veratrum viridis - it is originally from my mother's garden.

  3. I just discovered you and your beautiful blog by your commentary by synnöve :-) your pictures are so unique and the colours are just amazing! So breathtaking.. i love to follow your nice blog!

    Best wishes and i hope to See you again :-)

    1. So nice to get to know you Rebecca <3 Best wishes - happy weekend!

  4. Oi wau!<3 Pystyn haistamaan syreenin tuoksun näistä kuvista!<3 Mun syreeni ei ole vielä kukkinut kertaakaan. Istutin sen vajaa kolem vuotta sitten.:/ Väriltään kukat ovat (toivottavasti) enemmän vaaleanpunaiset kuin lilat...sitten joskus!:)

  5. Preciosas las lilas, por aquí florecieron en abril. Besitos.

  6. Dear Riitta,
    we also like syringa very much and we have three bushes in the garden, but only one bloomed.
    I wish you a happy weekend.

    Many greetings

  7. Ihanaa, syreeni on niin kaunis kun se kukkii. Mun syreeni on mummolasta ja kukkimista saa varmaati tovin vielä odotella. Hyvää uutta viikoa sinne. <3

  8. Was für wunderschöne Aufnahmen, liebe Riita. Ich mag Flieder auch so gerne! Herzliche Sonntagsgrüße, Nicole

  9. Wunderschöne Aufnahmen vom blühenden Flieder.
    L G Pia


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