
28 huhtikuuta 2017

April thoughts

1. This cold April is soon coming to its end... Waiting for spring to begin!

2. The weather has been really bad: showers of rain, hail and snow...

3. Color Collage is a fun linkup that I enjoy weekly.
See more of my collages here.

4. Books - a tip to those of you who read in Spanish:
Rosa Montero's very interesting book about Marie Curie and sorrow after loosing her spouse:
La ridícula idea de no volver a verte - The ridiculous idea of not seeing you any more.

5. Happy May Day!

Visit Helsinki


Wishing you all a great May Day weekend!

23 kommenttia:

  1. This cold april... sigh!
    Happy may day, may it bring sunshine and warm weather

  2. Dear Riitta,
    April ist here also quite cold, it's still freezing in the night. For our area is that really very cold.
    I wish you a nice Friday.

    Many greetings

  3. I hope your weather soon improves. We've had everything from blazing sun to snow here this week!

  4. Niin täydellisesti tätä kevättä kuvaava toi kakkoskuva. Hieno!

    1. Thank you all <3 Cold and rain everywhere, so it seems. Even in Barcelona the tennis players were freezing... Climate change to colder side?

  5. We have had some heavy hailstorms too! This morning there has been sunny moments and we hope they continue.
    Lovely collages, Riitta! What photo editing programme do you use as I'm having trouble making collages after losing Picasa, which has been phased out and I can't reinstall it? I'm not enjoying the process of making mosaics at the moment. Wishing you a good long weekend and a good month of May.

    1. Hi Linda,
      I use different free online programmes as Pickmonkey, Fotojet, Fotor, Photoscape... Google, you'll find!

    2. Thank you Riitta for the list of programmes you use. I've started using PicMonkey and also found Photoscape. I think it will take me a while to get used to a different way of photo editing, but will persevere and hopefully be successful at making beautiful collages like yours.

  6. Keväinen ja kaunis kollaasi. Harvoin keväällä säästytään lumi- ja raekuuroilta. Nyt alkaa lämmetä, joten kyllä me tästä selviämme.

  7. We've had rain and the occasional snow this Spring but I think the snow is finally over. The sun and shining and it is going to be a GORGEOUS day! I hope you can stop by:


  8. What a lovely, bright Five on Friday! Hopefully the weather will warm up. Fingers crossed we are done with the snow now. Rain, that's a different matter lol

    1. Kiitos kommenteista - Thank you for visiting <3

  9. We haven't had any significant rain for weeks but it's SO cold. Your photos are beautiful as always, I especially like the cat collage...what mesmerising eyes!

  10. salaperäinen kissan katse lumoaa

  11. I can not believe it is already almost the very end of April! Hoping summer moves at a bit of a slower pace than the end of winter and spring. Loved seeing all your great photos.

  12. Your photos are wonderful!I hope the weather warms up for you soon. Have a lovely weekend:)

  13. Lovely photo collage of pictures. We've had a real mix of weather, sunny, heavy hale and snow like back to mild or needing the heating on. Enjoy the weekend. Cathy x

  14. Beautiful pictures. Wishing you a Happy May Day and some warmer weather.

  15. Kaunis keväinen kollaasi!

  16. Bellas imágenes. Besitos.

  17. Ihania kukkia <3
    Meillä on krookukset nousseet vasta ihan muutaman päivän sisään!
    Tulppaaneja tulee selkeästi enemmän tänä vuonna <3

  18. What a great Five on Friday post, thank you so much for participating, I apologise for being so late getting round to everyone's blogs, we had so much going on that I just didnt get a chance, I hope you understand. All the Best - Tricky

  19. Suloisia kuvia ja kollaasi! :)


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