
28 maaliskuuta 2017

Floral Bliss #14

The red velvet rose that my husband bought me started to wither.
So I experimented with it a bit and this is what I got.
To add the dramatic effect I chose black misty borders.

After all this drama here some Spring Euforia!

Olisi tosi kiva nähdä sinunkin kuviasi täällä - Tule mukaan!
Please, come and join - share your Floral Bliss with me and the others!
Simply Anything Living or related to Botanics!

Iloista kevätaikaa!- Wishing you a happy springtime!

21 kommenttia:

  1. Tuo punaisten ruusujen sametti vetoaa minuun aina...niissä on mukana aina kaiho, muistot ja rakkaus suurimpana. Kevään vihreys taas on oma lukunsa, kaunis, uutta elämää täynnä, odotuksia. Yhdessä eivät varmaan paras pari, erikseen ihania. Upeat kuvat!

  2. ...Fantastic roses!!!

  3. So love the colour of your Rose. We planted one that colour a couple of years ago, hopefully this year it will really get going. Always so frustrating when you only get a couple of flowers. B x

  4. Beautifully made portraits of this beautiful rose. Now you can keep this gift forever through your pictures! Thank you for hosting ...I hope I linked up correctly.

    1. Kiiitos - Thank you - Danke ❤︎ It is always lovely to read your comments. Sunshine to your week!

  5. Tosiaan upean samettinen ja dramaattinen ruusu.
    Mutta hetkinen, ovatko nuo ihanat, ihanat vihreät lehdet tältä keväältä??!!

    1. Tarkkasilmäinen Sara :) Nämä lepänoksat olivat sisällä maljakossa! Tosi nopeasti erilaiset oksat näyttävät jo nyt pukkaavan lehteä ja nuppujakin. Aurinkoista päivää sinulle!

    2. Upeasti kuvattuja, voisi aivan luulla luontokuviksi.
      Aurinko paistaa... ja lämpötila on keväiset -12 astetta. :D

  6. Red Roses Portraitphotos - wonderful Riitta.
    Ecpecially the first photo!

    Spring-Greetings from Germany

  7. The dark red rose is gorgeous. Your photos are beautiful! Thank you for hosting and have a lovely day!

  8. That's so dramatic just right for such a beautiful rose. 😊

  9. Hello Riitta, your Red Roses have been arranged so beautifully. They are like velvet, so deep and sumptious, their perfume must be so gorgeous as they reach their mature phase. You've done such a wonderful thing to your husband's lovely gift :D)
    Thank you for bringing Floral Bliss to us once more!

  10. The rose is so beautiful even when falling apart. Your photos capture its soft velvet petals perfectly:)

  11. upea tunnelma kuvissa!

  12. Fabulous ....dark red roses are my favourite...lovely photos!
    Enjoy your evening,

  13. Magical roses photos , dear Riita ! A beautiful deep red, the beauty is fabulous. Thank you for the party, have a nice weekend, Carmen

  14. I love how you've photographed the rose ...

    All the best Jan

  15. your husband has taste!
    A fabulous specimen of a rose and so well presented by you here.


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