
02 tammikuuta 2017

Delicate & Strong

Memories from June 2016

9 kommenttia:

  1. What a beautiful flowers. Lovely design. Have a Happy Year 2017.

  2. Happy New Year to you, Darling Riitta, and thanks most sincerely for such a stunning post, your peonies are so ... terrific, I'd love to know the name of the second one to look for it here in Italy !!!

    Hope you've enjoyed all the warmth of your family and your home during these festive days, I'm sending many blessings on your days to come

    Xx Dany

  3. Hentoa ja hempeää.

  4. "Unknown" voisi olla sherbet. Pionia ei voita mikään kukka, ei edes ruusu!

  5. Such beautiful colors and stunning photos, happy new year Riitta!

  6. What beautifully stunning peonies you have share. Such a wonderful flower and on I always look forward to in my garden.
    I would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year and may it be filled with much joy and happiness and plenty of good health. With hugs from across the miles :)

    1. Thank you all for your comments - and a Happy New Year!
      Peonies are no doubt the Queens of the garden. a 5-6 month's wait!

  7. Ooh, tulisipa jo noiden kukintojen aika...kärsivällisyys meinaa loppua odotellessa :D

  8. Those flowers are beautiful, I particularly like the peonie. It's breathtaking. Have a happy new year!


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