
12 joulukuuta 2016


Farbenfreude für Marion!

Farbenfreude 8

Vielen Dank für die Inspiration Marion!

9 kommenttia:

  1. Olipa kaunista väri-iloittelua!

    1. Kiitos Saila. Hiukka väriä lisätty, kun ulkona niitä ei näy :)

  2. Happy Monday to you Darling Riitta !

    Thanking you so much for your stunning shots,
    and for the wonderful comments you always leave on my blog, which always put me in such high spirits and bless my heart with gladness, I'm sending hugs and ever much love on your Holiday Season, may it be filled with Love and Peace

    With utmost gratitude

    Xx Dany

    1. Thank you dear Dany ❤︎ You have always so lovely things to say and brighten up my day. I wish you too a blessed and joyful Holiday Season! Greetings from a freezing Finland.

  3. Dear Riitta, your photographs and your Farbenfreude are so beautiful and these colours are so warm. You have found warm winter colours. I love it! Thank you for sharing with us. Have a good time and cosy warm winter days. Yours Marion

    1. Thank you so much Marionette ❤︎
      I'm sure you notice that it is not a natural color :) I had to warm the photo a bit - it is so colourless and cold outside.
      Thank you for all the inspiration to experiment! I like!

  4. ..fantastic, dear Riitta!
    LG Christiane


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