
03 huhtikuuta 2016

My correspondent in Croatia

I was a bit envious because Sara had a Primula correspondent in London :) But I am happy to announce that me too had a correspondent abroad: my daughter-in-law Elli and my son made a short trip to Croatia and let me publish some photos. 

This is the fourth time they have visited Croatia and Rijeka. And of course visited the opera every time. She is a fan of the Finnish opera singer Waltteri Torikka who performs in Rijeka. Now they saw Eugene Onegin... Waltteri is a baritone, handsome, tall and young - he has great personal charm!

I chose mainly some narrow alleys and stone walls because everybody knows that there is the lovely Adriatic Sea!

I myself have not been to Croatia yet. But looking the many wonderful sceneries from there I think I must one of these days.

Photos by my daughter-in-law Elli. Thank you dear ♥

Linking with Judith's Mosaic Monday

Have a lovely week you all!

15 kommenttia:

  1. Upea postaus! Kyllä näkee että Kroatia on vanhaa kulttuurialuetta. Tuollaiset kapeat kujat ovat aivan ihastuttavia. Ja kevät alkaa olla parhaimmillaan.
    Kiitos kirjeenvaihtajille kauniista kuvista! :)

    1. ♥ Kapeat kujat ovat aina minun mieleeni! Niissä huokuu historia, kuten esim. Barcelonan vanhassa kaupungissa... Kiva kun on kirjeenvaihtajia :)

  2. I love the old narrow streets. Those steps must be hard work after a shopping trip :) I Can see what your daughter in law likes to visit the Opera ! B X

    1. In addition to his great voice, Waltteri is a delight to the female audience :) The narrow old streets are sooooo amazing!

  3. Aivan ihania kuvia. Vanhaa, upeaa kulttuurialuetta. Nuo kujat ovat niin lumoavia. En ole itse käynyt tuolla, mutta mieli kyllä tekisi. - Mukavaa sunnuntaita!

    1. Mieli tekee tuonne tosiaankin. Meillä Suomessa on niin vähän - tai ei ollenkaan - vastaavia paikkoja. Mukavaa sunnuntaita Anneli!

  4. No conozco Croacia riita. Algún día puede a que vaya a verla. Me gusta la construccón de piedra. Cáceres, donde nací, tiene una parte antigua preciosa, con esas callejuelas empinadas y estrechas.
    Preciosas fotos .
    Hyvä sunnuntaina ;)
    Un beso.

    1. Todavía no he visitado Extremadura ni Cáceres... Pero nunca se sabe! A mí también me gustan las callejuelas estrechas como he visto en Barcelona... Besos Laura ♥

  5. Haha, a very handsome man that opera singer, but besides that I love seeing pictures of Croatia, especially the lovely narrow streets.

  6. A Foreign Correspondent!......lucky you!
    I would love to visit Croatia - perhaps someday. What a treat it would be attend the opera with such a handsome star (and of course, it is certain that he must be a good singer too!)

    1. Waltteri is very popular nowadays! My son and his wife fell in love once more with Croatia.

  7. I love all these beautiful stone structures! Wonderful!

    and LivingFromHappiness

  8. Haluaisin käydä Kroatissa joskus. Hauskat kivirappuset. Linkki Mosaic Monday'ssa ei toiminut ainakaan näpäyttäessä. :/

    1. Poika ja miniä olivat aivan ekstaasissa kotiin tullessaan! Kyllä se linkki toimii, tsekkaan aina :)

  9. What a beautiful town and a fun tour. Thank you and to your son and DIL for sharing their photos. Have a happy day!


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