
31 elokuuta 2016

Kotikatuni in Black & White

Oi oi, katu kaipaisi uutta päällystettä! - There is an elementary school nearby...

Nauran auringolle -blogin Mustaa & Valkoista -haasteena on kotikatuni. Kotikatuni on leveä ja aivan lähellä on ala-aste. Kadulla kulkee harvakseltaan paikallisbussi ja lapset tungeksivat pyörillään ja ilollaan.

There is a new Black & White Challenge at the blog Nauran Auringolle. This week's topic is My Home Street. I did some photographing - but B & W is not easy!

Kadun varrelta löytyy myös pelikenttä. - The school kids having fun....

Aivan tältä leveältä kadulta ei meidän tontille pääse, vaan käännytään kapealle & lyhyelle hiekkapäällysteiselle kujalle, josta on ajo vain kolmelle talolle.

From that wide street we turn to a VERY narrow alley. Only 3 houses use it.

Täyttä puuroa! - Looking SO bad!
Oikealla on ikivanha kiviaita, joka tässä peittyy kasvustoihin,,

Sateen jälkeen - After a heavy rain

Kiva haaste.
Olisi todella mukava saada mustavalkokuvaukseen vinkkejä!

Nauran auringolle

Millaiselta sinun kotikatusi näyttää?
Kiva jos kertoisit!

30 elokuuta 2016

Flower Wednesday linkup 14

Last year I grew from seed quite many Alcea rosea 'Nigra'. 
But only one bloomed! Due to cold and rainy summer or bad soil. 
But it was phenomenal.

Linkki on auki - Tervetuloa!
The link is open - Welcome!

Floral Passions
is now my main blog.

I hope you'll soon get used to the change!
Linkup 1 & the rules.

Lämmin kiitos kaikille osallistujille!
My warm thanks to all for your contributions!

Luonnossa - In the Nature

The Makrotex Challenge this week is Nature. Also Der Natur Donnerstag by Jutta is on after the summer pause. So I'll share some random nature photos. Hope you'll enjoy!

Linking with

Enjoy your week!

28 elokuuta 2016

Tricolor - Värikollaasit-haaste

Hi Mosaic Monday ladies!
I'll link this Color Collage Challenge too - you might be interested to participate!
I just found this meme and I find it interesting!

Osallistun tällä kollaasilla Värikollaasit-haasteeseen. 
Aiheena on Tricolor - Kolme väriä.
Valitsin vihreän, vaaleanpunaisen ja viininpunaisen.

Värikästä syyskauden alkua!

Participating in The Color Collages Challenge. 
The topic is Tricolor - Three colors that can be chosen freely.
I chose green, pink and burgundy.

Wishing you a colorful start for the autumn!

Some Book Tips!

Today not flowers but book tips. I read a lot and actually have also a book blog - Kirja vieköön! - Let the books enchant! I'll give you some tips, in case you also love reading. We have great newly released books by Finnish writers this autumn - but I'll list only some international ones. The covers in my mosaics are the Finnish ones but I'll mention the titles in English.
Above two Nigerian writers:
CHIGOZIE OBIOMA - The Fishermen 
ELENA FERRANTE - My Brilliant Friend 
The Spanish CARE SANTOS - Desig de xocolata  - Maybe not yet in English!
Detective stories & thrillers:
MARCO VICHI - Death in August
S.K. TREMAYNE - The Ice Twins 
FRED VARGAS - A Climate of Fear 
The Men without Women

The great Canadian CAROL SHIELDS:


The Box Garden
Small Ceremonies
The Stone Diaries

Also some Floral Delight for you!

Linking with

Hope you enjoyed my tips - have a great week!

In case you wonder - I have changed the blog name to Floral Passions
- no other changes!

27 elokuuta 2016

Sunlight - Our Beautiful World

This Sunday's  OBW word sunlight was chosen by Mandy. In my mind SUNLIGHT and SUNSHINE mean pretty much the same. So I use both words in my mindsetting. These words mean warm summer days - and also the sunny color yellow. In addition things and persons who make me happy, according to this song:

"You are my SUNSHINE, my only SUNSHINE
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my SUNSHINE away"
Recorded by Jimmy Davis in 1940

I chose some SUNLIGHT and SUNSHINE from my archive. Hope you enjoy!

“She turned to the SUNLIGHT
And shook her yellow head,
And whispered to her neighbor:
"Winter is dead.”
- A.A. Milne, When We Were Very Young -

“Some people are so much SUNSHINE to the square inch.”
- Walt Whitman -

Linking with 

The next Sunday's topic is ROMANTIC.
You are most welcome to join - have a happy Sunday!